Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Faust: Book Review :: essays research papers

Faust Book ReviewThis novel written originally by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe andtranslated by Walter Kaufmann. There are 201 pages in this novel.. This keep backis a poem divided into two parts and has many adventures in it. The point ofview is from the writer of the play, 3rd person narration. The theme of thisnovel is Dont incessantly obtain the easy way out of things because in the end youwill pay for them.This novel starts off with Mephisto the Devil asking God to be adapted totempt a scholar named Faust. Mephisto talks with angels and God. Mephisto tellsGod that Faust is loyal to him but will no be for long. Mephisto is going totake Faust from him. Faust is sitting in his fill most of the poem. He looks upinformation to gain more knowledge. When he is looking one day through his studyhe notices a appropriate that he has never seen before. Faust takes it out and examinesit and finds out it is a book of spells, With this spell book he calls onMephisto. Faust finds out that Mephisto never wants to say his name stilldescribe his great power and plans that he can confuse Faust. Mephisto fails thefirst time to get Faust to give in. He comes back the next day and tries againbut doesnt gain his hand in this deed. After Faust calls on Mephisto theymake a deal. Mephisto would serve Faust in this life and when Faust would die hewould come to nut house and help Mephisto in return for giving Faust all this power.Faust agrees and this is the start of the deed. Mephisto would do anything inhis power for Faust. These things that Mephisto did was to try to get LadyGretchen (that Faust liked dearly) to notice him. Mephisto would give Gretchendiamonds and other assortment of jewelry to tempt her. This did not work. Overthe years of Mephisto doing all these deeds for Faust, He gained a lot ofknowledge. Faust started to get real old and very ill. He started to see ghostsand other kinds of unnatural things in front of his eyes that he never sawbefore. Over more time Faust becomes imposture and can no longer do anything. WhenFaust is dying Mephisto gets ready to take him to hell to serve him in eternity.When Faust dies God comes into the picture again. He gets angels to distractMephisto and take Faust into Heaven. God forgives Faust for all he has done.

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